If you have never explored the Michigan Building in Detroit, it is such a neat experience and walk through. Built in 1925, the upper level of the parking garage used to be the Michigan Theater. It was a concert hall/movie house in the 1950’s and 60’s, and in the 1970’s, it was a nightclub and concert venue for rock bands. The ceiling is charming and magical, and this family and their amazing style just brought it to life. I have watched this family grow and it has been the biggest honor. From engagement to wedding photos and now we just ended their third round of baby’s first year. The connection I have to them is unlike any other, and I love how we celebrated Townsend’s one year session in Detroit. One of my favorite things about this session was there was a Tiger’s game going on this day, and people were tailgating in the lot below us while we took photos. We had a great soundtrack of music for our entire session, so we had to end with a dance party of course!! I love the movement in the black and white photo near the bottom. I hope you enjoy some of my favorite’s below!!