Olivia, Gabriella and Alexandra

These girls brighten my day like rays of sunshine and blue skies. We celebrated as Olivia turned 5, Gabriella turned 3 and Alexandra turned 1! I love their outfits and their smiles. 🙂 Sisters are the best!

Lucy and Leo

I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to watch my clients/friends grow and develop their own unique personalities. I love when they tell me stories, sing songs and show me where they like to play. Seriously…..it’s a pretty awesome feeling. Lucy and...

Lucy and Gabi (1 year session)

It was very awesome being pregnant with one of my best friends. Something that was not planned at all….and we ended up telling each other on the same day. We were due within one week of each other, and Lucy and Gabi ended up being born 3 days apart. It’s...