Lucy’s first birthday party was a blast to plan. I still can’t believe my baby girl is one. ONE! I feel like I was just in the hospital seeing her for the first time. What a year! Amazing to say the least. But more on that later. I do have one more post I am going to sneak in from Lucy’s first year….but that will probably be in a few weeks. I wish I could have snapped a few more pics this day, but it was kind of a whirlwind. 😉
I do want to say thank you to my mom for letting us host Lucy’s party at her house, and to one of my BFF’s Britta for helping me set up in the chaos. I lit-er-ally could not have done it without her.
My good friend Melanie, from Schoolgirl Style designed Lucy’s birthday banner, cupcake toppers, and tags. I cannot thank her enough. I thought they were beautiful! She really created something to tie it all together. I just love everything she does. 🙂
Fabric Banner: Picked Parlor
Purple straws: The Sugar Diva
Lavender Lemon Cupcakes/smash cake: Pamela from Pamela’s Creative Cakes. I cannot rave enough about her. She was amazing to work with, and her cupcakes were THEEEE best I have ever tasted in my life. I would highly recommend her, and will definitely use her again in the future. Thanks Pamela!!
And I love the image where Lucy is taking a little snooze on Grandma before the guests arrive! Awe!