“Good morning outside” is what I say to Lucy after I take her out of her crib every morning when she wakes up. I change her, feed her, and then we play for a little while to start the day. I sit quietly and admire her. Each day has been something new, something fascinating. I love watching her discover the world. Ah! One of the best feelings. Even when they are tiny babies and we think they are just laying there….they are really learning, growing and investigating. She has taught me so much in this past year. I have changed and my life has changed. Chris and I started a new chapter in our lives. Being parents…..oh boy. I remember being wheeled out of the hospital and I looked up at the nurse and said “I’m scared. I have no idea what to do.” The nurse laughed and told me I was going to be fine. And of course we were. It’s been amazing teaching Lucy about the world….reliving it again through the eyes of a child. Appreciating the little things. Ever since Lucy was 5 months old…she does this thing where when she gets really excited, she closes her fists, puts them by her face and shakes her whole body. Now she will do it on command. Whenever we get excited over something….we call it “Lucy excited.” It’s the cutest ever! Gosh, that girl has changed my world. I have never known the kind of love until I locked eyes with her in that delivery room. Wow. It’s been quite an amazing year, and I love this girl so much…it’s hard to put into words.
So here is a recap of Lucy’s first year. Some images I have blogged before, and some I have not. Pretty cool how they grow and change so much. 🙂