by E'Lisa Campbell | Nov 20, 2013 | family
You might remember Henry and Oliver from Oliver’s 1 year session last fall. They grow so fast!! I l.o.v.e. this family. They’re energy, kindness, and happiness all around. It always brightens my day when I get to see them. XOXO!!
by E'Lisa Campbell | Jun 19, 2013 | children
I love celebrating the 1 year milestone! It’s such a beautiful journey that first year. So much growth. Thank you to Amy and Jim for a lovely afternoon at Booth Park. It was wonderful to see you both again!! Kate is beautiful and sweet, and I am so happy I got...
by E'Lisa Campbell | May 8, 2013 | family
The love between siblings is an unspoken bond. The first image of this blog post is my favorite of the younger girls Ashtyn and Taitym. I just love everything about it. Shannon and Brian have a beautiful family, and I am always so happy to spend time with them. 🙂 I...